Blog #3- Scapulohumeral Rhythm

          Scapulohumeral rhythm is the kinematic interaction and ratio of movement between the humerus and scapula. This interaction of synchronized movement is important for maintaining optimal ROM of the shoulder and preventing active insufficiency from happening. This rhythm allows for muscles involved to be in optimal length tension relationships, helps to maintain subacromial space so there isn't an impingement, and helps with synchronic measurements. This rhythm also affects the distribution between two joints, the glenohumeral and scapulothoracic, and can cause a larger ROM with less compromise in the stability of the joints. When measuring the movements, for every 3 degrees of shoulder movement in abduction, 1 degree is moved at the ST joint and scapula and 2 degrees is moved at the GH joint and humerus. These joint congruencies also result in decreased shear forces. Knowing these measurements helps you as a clinician to distinguish if there are abnormal measurements in a client's ROM. 
